St John's PCC
Our Parochial Church Council (PCC) comprises the following members:
Team Vicar: The Rev'd Edward Barlow*
Church Warden: Positions vacant
Deanery Synod Representatives:
Pauline Mace* (Licensed Lay Minister)
Janine Wooster
Chris Bailey
Elected PCC Members:
Catherine Bearfoot (Sacristan)
Sheetal Bharucha (Safeguarding Officer)
Lara Da Graca*
Susan Jones (Parish Clerk)
Katy Kibby (Director of Music)
Andrew Melling (Electoral Roll Officer)
Nancy Onyewuenyi (Treasurer's Assistant)
Julia Wickham* (PCC Secretary)
Joanna Willis
Co-Opted to the PCC:
Colin Wooster (Treasurer)
(* Denotes member of the Standing Committee)
To contact a member of our PCC, please use our online contact form.