St John the Evangelist Bexley

St John's Team

Reverend Edward Barlow

Team Vicar        01322 521786

Edward's Sermons can be read here.
You can also find him on Twitter, but we would stress that St John's really, really, really cannot be held responsible for the content of the Team Vicar's Twitter Feed.

Pauline Mace

Lay Minister    

Sheetal Bharucha

Safeguarding Officer           07738 942886

St John's PCC

Our Parochial Church Council (PCC) comprises the following members:

Team Vicar: The Rev'd Edward Barlow*

Church Warden:  Positions vacant

Deanery Synod Representatives: 
Pauline Mace* (Licensed Lay Minister) 
Janine Wooster
Chris Bailey

Elected PCC Members: 
Catherine Bearfoot (Sacristan)
Sheetal Bharucha (Safeguarding Officer)
Lara Da Graca*
Susan Jones (Parish Clerk)
Katy Kibby (Director of Music)
Andrew Melling (Electoral Roll Officer)
Nancy Onyewuenyi (Treasurer's Assistant)
Julia Wickham* (PCC Secretary)
Joanna Willis

Co-Opted to the PCC:
Colin Wooster (Treasurer)

(* Denotes member of the Standing Committee)

To contact a member of our PCC, please use our online contact form.

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